Changing the world one thought at a voice at a time.

Friday, May 6, 2016


It's a cliche, I know-but, in order to really appreciate something it is okay to walk away and gather one's thoughts. So was the case with this blog. I got in too deep, my feelings hurt, my soul-a little scarred. I was so involved in the plight facing the American Indian, my Middle Eastern friends fleeing to Chicago for asylum, traveling to South Africa, and my own struggles with cancer and growing into adulthood; that I needed space. Have you ever felt annoyed with yourself? Have you every found yourself saying yes to every project, every invite, every performance, etc. to just distract yourself from yourself?

If so, then you know how I felt. The energy it took for me to find the motivation to talk about things both good and bad when I felt like hell inside was too much. I threw myself into my projects, work, and charitable endeavors. But, it was one defining moment-too horrible but, too great in impact to ignore-that woke me up. In November, I was held up at gunpoint while unloading groceries from my car. I nearly lost my life over a cell phone and pocket change. By the grace of God and knowing how to keep calm (I come from a long line of police men and women) I made it out however, NOT unscathed.

A couple of months later we are told the state is going bankrupt, my educational institution that provided me with such healing and wisdom may not re-open, and the violence in the city has become astronomical, and the presidential race for 2016 becomes a damn joke. It was the final straw. Then, I receive the call that my work on camera is well received and I was asked to revive this blog as my point of view is considered "unique." That last part makes me laugh. Isn't everyone's point of view unique? But, for some reason there is an audience out there listening so, I will write. I will continue to interview and I will continue to draw attention to the incredible people that cross my path no matter how well or unwell it is received.

So, there you have it. No trumpets or parade tape. No tented parties in the heat of the summer singing to Jesus. This is a revival of a different kind. It will continue as humbly as it began. Stay tuned for the next podcast. My next guest will be announced shortly. As always, thank you for listening.
